Send files, simply.

Share files directly from the command line

Get started

Free, no sign-up required

Start sharing files directly from the terminal in under 15 seconds

Shareable download links

Files are uploaded to the cloud and can be shared using a unique download link

24 hour file retention

Uploads are automatically deleted after 24 hours

Supported across the following platforms

💡 Copy and paste this function into ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
send() {
  [[ "$1" ]] || { echo "Error: Missing file" >&2; return 1; }
  curl -X POST -F "file=@$1"

🔗 Generate a secure link to share your file
  > send test.txt

Start sharing in 15 seconds

Simply insert a small function in your shell config in order to begin sending files.


How long are files stored?

Files are automatically deleted 24 hours after upload.

Do you support Windows?

Not yet, although thankfully Windows 10 now supports cURL so porting over to Windows should be relatively straightforward.

Where are files stored?

Files are stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket with external access limited to signed URLs.

What file types are allowed?

There are no restrictions on file types, but filenames may be rewritten to remove non-permitted characters (such as "/").

Why am I getting a "413 Request Entity Too Large" error message?

Large file sizes may exceed Google Cloud Run's maximum HTTP/1 request size. HTTP/2 support will be added as it comes available.

Should I use this to send sensitive files?

No, probably not. This is designed to be relatively secure for convenient sharing but shouldn't be used for sensitive or confidential information. If you'd like to use this to send sensitive files, I'd recommend encrypting the data before sending it.